Thursday, 15 November 2012

The Time Is Now

'Time to clean up, shape up, toughen up, get real - or forget it!'

This is a quote from my dear Mum! It had been pressing on my mind for a while. She's referrig to being a Christian; we can't just float along.
It came into my mind a few nights ago whilst at a prayer meeting and we were singing a song with the lyrics 'There's passion in my heart, this stirring in my soul, to see the nations bow, for all the world to know, I'm living for your glory on the earth'.
I was stopped short, you know. Where is the sense in me singing that if I'm not doing? If I'm not willing to? It Really is the time to clean up my act, shape myself up ready for whatever comes my way, toughen up in the face of adversity and get real about my Jesus .......... or live a different life. It's a very scary thought to think about packing it all in ......... very scary.

I've been drifting along, just being .... not being anything in particular, but just being. Existing, is a better word for it. Doing work to tell people about God, but not talking to God. It's a horrible place to be. Empathy. It's awful.
If we're going to sing 'burn like a fire in me', well then we have to WANT it, and allow God the SPACE to burn in us, because He is an ALL-CONSUMING fire and He wants us to be TOTALLY available!

It's hard, and I'm not there yet. But I know for myself, that I need to button up and start .... otherwise, I'll just carelessly drift by!

Thank you, Pappa for this revelation!!

Bethy, xx