Wow!! When you think about what Jesus did, it's enough to blow your mind and make you see Him in all of His glory. He was blindfolded and then beaten, while being mocked for being who He genuinely was.
Then on the cross, He was entirely separated from God, something that makes me shiver to think of, and as one who would not know God, descended into Hell, to prove to the devil that He was about to lose, He reclaimed all of our lives, He paid the debt for US of anything we would ever do, then having paid a debt we physically could not pay, He left hell and returned to earth, to prove that He had won and then went to be reunited with His Father.
I have been in a place of horrible turmoil where you cannot turn back, but to go on feels impossible, and when Jesus was in the garden, praying that God would make the hour pass, His words were, with unfathomable courage, 'Yet not MY will, but Yours be done'. Those words gave us LIFE.
And Jesus faced the cross; the humility, the separation, the pain, the shame, the lies.
So when He said in John 16:33 'But take courage, I have overcome the world', He meant it. And you can only give something which you possess and Jesus had GREAT Courage to ensure the cross.
So, and I say this to myself as much as you, '"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."' Jesus. John 16:33
Bethy , xx