Monday, 2 November 2015

My Doctor

I have just come back from an appointment with the doctor. Don't worry - there's nothing wrong with me, just results of a blood test and the recommendation for another test to see that I'm not anaemic.
When I got into the doctor's room, I noticed that her pretty blonde hair was shorter than it was the last time I had seen her, so I asked her if she had cut it and complimented her on it. She smiled and said she'd had it all chopped off, then she asked how I was and took me through the results of my test.

A fear that I have had for a long while now is about brain tumours- it terrifies me the thought that I may have a brain tumour, and that by using the computer or my phone too much, I may be inducing some self-harm in that area. She looked really compassionate as I said 'So, I've not got a brain tumour then?' and asked why that was a concern for me, and then assured me that my symptoms were not related and even went through symptoms for a tumour to put my mind at rest.

I was running over this appointment in my head as I got home and made myself breakfast, and something occured to me; My doctor is very nice, she's very helpful and she's professional, which means that she is not personal - she doens't talk about her private, out-of-work life, and she doesn't ask me about mine. When I mention something about work, she doesn't ask me what I do.

And all of this is OK, because she's my doctor, not my friend .... but it led me to thinking about God.

God, He made the Universe, He made me, He made my family and He is infinite and HUGE, but He is also personal. When I was at Summer Studies at a Bible school this year, one of the Bible teachers told us how God is INFINITE yet also PERSONAL. So with all that is going on in the world and all that is going on in my life, God is still personal and wants to hear about what's going on with me.

I was speaking at our youth Bible study last night about what it means to be a Christian, and I challenged us all to take 10 minutes and, with the pillows I had told them to bring, we all found a different spot to lie down and rest in and just waited to hear from God, listening to whatever He had to say.
When we regrouped, I shared that I find it harder when I'm leading the group to let myself go and truly relax because I'll be wondering how the children are getting on, but I said that what I did feel, and what I always feel when I do these 'soaking sessions', is that when I truly concentrate on God and just listening to Him, I feel like He reaches down and He hugs me.

 I encouraged the young people to try and do this soaking at home, and I said that God desires that we spend time with Him. He longs to just have one to one time with YOU. I spoke about how there are different uses for the word intimacy but that it actually just means closeness .... in one respect, a husband and wife share an intimacy that they don't with any other person, and similarly, God shares an intimacy, a heartheld relationship with YOU, that nobody else can be a part of. And God desires that intimacy, that closeness with YOU. I said that before Adam and Eve made mistakes, God had that intimacy with us ..... that is what we were designed and created for, to be close with God, and so when we have these quiet one-to-one times with God, we are taking back the ground that Adam and Eve experienced before the fall.

I find it amazing that God can be so infinite, so powerful, so much in charge of what is happening in our galaxy, so much the creator of US and life ........yet He still is SO personal that He wants to hug me, that He wants to spend time with me; listening to my heart as I speak, cry, rant, giggle, dance. It's truly amazing.

Infinite, yet Personal.