Tonight, I went to the cinema with friends to watch Madagascar 3! It was great!
I laughed, talked, sang along (and it's not even a singalonga film!) shrieked, jumped and scooched down in my chair several times and was pretty sure I was going to get a dig in the ribs by my friendling next to me!
But they used the song 'Firework' by Katy Perry a few times in it and it occured to me, this VERY sensible thought: I have NEVER felt like a plastic bag floating through the wind, wishing to be reincarnated. Ever.
'Do you ever feel, like a plastic bag, floating through the wind, wanting to start again?' Erm ... NO!
Also, I had a Dragons Den style thought: (C) = COPYRIGHT!
Croc Socks! So your feet will never be cold in Crocs! (Even thought up a slogan on the spot!)
Socks for crocs with holes adjacent to where the holes are in the crocs. So where the holes are in the crocs, there'll be a bit of sock. And where the holes are in the sock, there'll be a bit of croc!
So you have croccy feet that can keep warm!! Be a pain to wash though!
Night night