The other day, I was in our office looking for something to do and happened upon a book on our bookshelf called 'Every Young Woman's Battle'. I was intrigued as to what I and the millions of other young women around the world battled with, so I opened it and began to delve into the words. I soon realised what we all battle: SEX!
There, I said it! 'That' word! It! The Deed! The 'S' Word! Or as my niece called it once 'Sykes!'
I started to read it and found it really interesting! It's full of personal stories and Bible verses and guides as to what the harm is in sex before marriage, even just fooling around but taking that step to far, in dressing slightly provocatively. It also gave me a small insight into what lads think when we're flirtatious even a little bit, or how too low or tight a top can be distracting to them! That doesn't mean dress down all the time, but just beware what your image is letting off.
Ayway, one of the things that it said was that in the boys version 'Every Young Man's Battle' was that they advise the boy reading it to learn how to 'bounce' their eyes, which means that if they're looking at a girl and they know they shouldn't be or it's causing them to think too hard, lose focus of God or fantasise, they should immediately bounce their eyes away - physically look elsewhere. Like a picture of a plant; that'll divert anyone's mind from the darkest of thoughts!
I LOVED this idea and decidede to put it into practice! It's really fun to do, actually! It makes you feel that tiny bit more protected knowing that you can not stare at a bloke and think 'Hmmmmm!!'
My girlfriends will know that for a year or so, I've struggled with being single, which is bizarre because it's one of the most natural things to be! I must drive them mad when I joke-moan about it! I don't neeeeeeeeeed a boyfriend, but sometimes when you're out in a big group with friends and they're pairing up to buy their meals and hugging, you sometimes feel it. I don't begrudge them their partners; I think they're great together! I found it difficult the last few months when one of my best friends got a boyfriend. Suddenly, she wasn't as accessible becuse you devoted time to someone else so she wasn't always free to come round and hang out. Now she had other priorities and I found that weird for a while and gave her a bit of a hard time! But I see that this guy is important to her and as one of her best friends, that's important to me! That she's cherished and respected and nurtured! It's not for me to feel jealous! It's for me to be happy for her and for him, as well!!
Now, I kinda get it and (I hope) that I'm more reasonable!! Ha ha!
So for a while, this has been present in my mind.
When you feel just a little bit low, you'd love to be able to ring up your boyf and let him speak comfort to you, wouldn't you? Yeah!
But about that!? God's been speaking to me and explaining to me that, until I can go first to God when I'm feeling low or sad or hurt or lonely, and cry and talk to Him, what's the point of going to a HUMAN!? God is Super-natural and will have a Super Super-natural way of comforting me and knowing my future.
And so this book really helped me for a couple of days to 'bounce' and to think on God! And that's been great. But what happens when you log onto facebook and see that someone else is in a relationship? You do the right thing! What you DON'T do is sit there and feel sorry for yourself and remind yourself how you're still single!!
You say to God, firstly that you love HIM and that He is your Everything and no boy will complete you. You're only incomplete if you don't have God. When you have Him, you have everything you're EVER going to need.
Then you just be honest with Him. Tell Him, because He loves to hear you talk, that sometimes you find it a bit hard when everyone (it seems!) is lurrrrrrrrved up and you're not!
Then ask Him for His help. HE Wants to help you, but He'll only help you if you ask Him to.
Then tell Him you love Him again!! All you Want is Him!
The more you look for your Mr. Darcy and not God, the less you'll find either of them! God knows who He has for you and He knows the right time! He just wants your WHOLE heart first so that He can give a little bit of it to the guy who's going to love you on Earth!
But first, prioritise and give God it all!!
He loves You! Are you going to love Him back?
And I speak to myself as much to anyone!
Much Love,